To give you an idea of the significance of this achievement, read this summary from Simon below....
"As the highest award available in Singapore for buildings designed, built and operated with a focus on resource efficiency and the environment, it is an important statement on our focus on minimising our environmental footprint where possible and of course minimising our multi-million dollar costs related to our facilities portfolio.
It must also be noted that this was achieved using our internal talent and knowledge without additional green mark consultancy which is considered highly unusual but a testimony to the commitment and expertise of the campus team.
This was not awarded to a single building but similar to the East campus, it has been awarded to the whole campus. We remain the only international school with these awards".
For more information on some of the team's work visit their Negative Watts blog.
This new research shows that what the team has achieved will have lasting impacts on the education and behaviour of our students.
This new research shows that what the team has achieved will have lasting impacts on the education and behaviour of our students.
Now while it's right to shout about this fantastic achievement, of course it's even more reason for all of us, teachers, staff and parents to look for ways in which WE can show our commitment to care for the campus by saving energy and water, reducing waste and keeping it litter free. This will be the best way to say thanks to the team for all the efforts they have put in. Of course if you see them, do pass on your congratulations!
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