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Only one of these is likely to get much taller! |
If UWCSEA were truly to value
Environmental Stewardship as we say we do, then each week of the term would look like this last one. Following the Green Wave Day in the last post, Sunday and Monday saw more tree planting to celebrate two
Class of 2014 Graduates who have dedicated a great deal of time to sustainability issues..even during their I.B exams. A Flame of the Forest (
Delonix regia) was planted by Mary-Kate and a Sea Grape (
Coccoloba uvifera) by Aanavi. Neither of the tree species are indigenous to our region which breaks our normal rule, but they were both grown in our Rainforest Nursery from seed and very interesting trees that have thrived here in Singapore...a bit like the two non-native planters! We will miss the quiet, dedicated work of these two boarders and hope they come back before too long to see their trees add yet more beauty and biodiversity to the boarding house garden.
Vishy shows Ecology is not just an IB course |
Wednesday saw more trees going in, this time at the Chinese International School where UWCSEA students (both Dover and East) helped out CNIS' new Environmental Group by partnering up to plant over 15 species raised in the nurseries on our two campuses. This was a great occasion with our High school students working with younger kids from CNIS to put biodiversity conservation in action.
Mr Meehan gets busy with a cangkul... ..for the third time time in 10 days! |
Lastly, Saturday morning saw members of our community both young and old contribute to the Gardening Working Bee organised by Susan Edwards. The Infants' Enchanted Garden was given a colourful make-over to enhance its interest and make it safer for kids and plants alike. Again this was a very enjoyable occasion and helped to build a real sense of community as well as enhance our natural environment (exactly what Sustainability is really about). Despite finishing sweaty, dirty and tired, the parents and kids alike all agreed we should do this more often! Thanks to all, including Andy Tan, Alamgir, Salem and Kalam, our superb gardening team.
Driving a Leaf chariot takes a dedicated team |
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